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Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF Zone), UAE

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Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF Zone), UAE

Welcome to Prodigy Corporate Services, your trusted partner in business setup and consultancy in Dubai, UAE. As an esteemed company operating in the vibrant business landscape of the United Arab Emirates, we are thrilled to provide you with valuable insights into the Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF Zone).

SAIF Zone: A Gateway to Success

Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF Zone) is a pioneering business hub strategically located in the emirate of Sharjah, UAE. Recognized as one of the leading free zones in the region, SAIF Zone offers a wealth of opportunities for both local and international investors.

At Prodigy Corporate Services, we understand the importance of choosing the right location for your business ventures. SAIF Zone’s prime location near the Sharjah International Airport and its excellent connectivity to major ports and highways make it an ideal destination for companies looking to establish a strong presence in the UAE.

Unmatched Business Advantages

SAIF Zone is renowned for its exceptional business advantages, making it a preferred choice for entrepreneurs and corporations across various industries. With 24/7 operational freedom, 100% foreign ownership, and zero corporate and personal income taxes, SAIF Zone creates an ideal environment for business growth and profitability.

At Prodigy Corporate Services, we specialise in providing comprehensive business setup solutions tailored to your unique requirements. Our expert team can guide you through the entire process, from company registration to visa processing, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience in establishing your business within SAIF Zone.

World-Class Infrastructure and Services

SAIF Zone boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure, including modern office spaces, warehouses, and land plots, designed to cater to diverse business needs. The zone offers a wide range of business activities, from trading and manufacturing to logistics and services, allowing companies to thrive in their respective sectors.

As your trusted partner, Prodigy Corporate Services can assist you in navigating the intricacies of SAIF Zone’s regulations and requirements. Our deep understanding of the local business landscape enables us to provide expert advice and personalised solutions to help you optimise your operations and achieve sustainable growth.

Experience Excellence with Prodigy Corporate Services

When it comes to business setup and consultancy in Dubai, Prodigy Corporate Services stands out as a reliable and results-driven partner. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we have successfully supported numerous businesses in establishing their presence in SAIF Zone and throughout the UAE.

What is the Process of registering a company in Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF Zone)?

The process of setting up a business in the Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF Zone) typically involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Enquiry: The process begins with contacting the SAIF Zone authorities or a reputable business setup service provider like Prodigy Corporate Services. You can inquire about the available business activities, legal requirements, and any specific information related to your business plans.
  2. Business Activity Selection: Choose the appropriate business activity or activities that align with your company’s objectives. SAIF Zone offers a wide range of sectors and activities for businesses to operate in, such as trading, manufacturing, logistics, and services.
  3. Legal Structure Determination: Select the most suitable legal structure for your business. SAIF Zone allows for various options, including Free Zone Company (FZC), Free Zone Establishment (FZE), or Branch of a Local/Foreign Company.
  4. Application Submission: Prepare the necessary documents and submit the completed application to the SAIF Zone authority. The required documents may include a completed application form, business plan, passport copies of shareholders and managers, and relevant educational and experience certificates.
  5. License and Lease Agreement: Once the application is reviewed and approved, you will receive a business license from SAIF Zone. Simultaneously, you can proceed with signing the lease agreement for your chosen office or warehouse space within the free zone.
  6. Visa Processing: After obtaining the business license and lease agreement, you can initiate the process of obtaining employment and residency visas for yourself and your employees. SAIF Zone offers visa services to facilitate the relocation and employment of individuals within the free zone.
  7. Company Formation and Registration: The final step involves completing the necessary procedures for company formation and registration. This includes registering your company with the relevant authorities, obtaining the necessary permits and approvals, and opening a corporate bank account.

It’s important to note that the specific requirements and procedures may vary based on the nature of your business activity and other factors. Working with a reputable business setup service provider like Prodigy Corporate Services can help streamline the process and ensure compliance with all necessary regulations.

What are the Documents required to register a company in Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF Zone)?

To get started with the business setup process in the Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF Zone), you will typically need the following documents:

  1. Completed Application Form: You will need to fill out the SAIF Zone application form with accurate and detailed information about your business.
  2. Business Plan: A comprehensive business plan outlining your company’s objectives, activities, market analysis, and financial projections is usually required.
  3. Passport Copies: Submit passport copies of all shareholders and managers involved in the company setup. The passport copies should be clear and valid.
  4. Educational and Experience Certificates: Depending on the business activity, SAIF Zone may request educational certificates and relevant experience documents of shareholders and managers.
  5. No Objection Certificate (NOC): If you are establishing a branch or subsidiary of an existing company, a No Objection Certificate from the parent company is usually required.
  6. Memorandum of Association (MOA) or Articles of Association (AOA): For Free Zone Company (FZC) or Free Zone Establishment (FZE), you will need to provide a MOA or AOA outlining the company’s structure, shareholders, and share distribution.
  7. Lease Agreement: You will need to sign a lease agreement for the office or warehouse space you plan to occupy within the SAIF Zone. The lease agreement should comply with SAIF Zone’s guidelines.
  8. Bank Reference Letter: A bank reference letter from the shareholders’ or the company’s bank confirming their financial stability and good standing is typically required.
  9. Power of Attorney (if applicable): If you appoint a representative or sponsor to handle certain aspects of the setup process on your behalf, a Power of Attorney document may be necessary.

It’s important to note that these document requirements can vary based on the type of company you are establishing and the specific activities involved. Additionally, SAIF Zone may request additional documents or information during the application process.

Working with a reputable business setup service provider like Prodigy Corporate Services can help ensure you have all the necessary documents and assist you throughout the entire process, making it more efficient and streamlined.

Advantages of registering a company in Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF Zone)

The Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF Zone) offers numerous advantages to businesses, making it an attractive destination for investors. Here are some key advantages of SAIF Zone:

  1. Strategic Location: SAIF Zone is strategically located near the Sharjah International Airport, providing excellent connectivity and easy access to global markets. This prime location enhances logistical efficiency and facilitates international trade.
  2. 100% Foreign Ownership: SAIF Zone allows 100% foreign ownership, empowering investors to have complete control over their business operations. This ownership flexibility eliminates the need for a local partner, enabling companies to make independent decisions and retain all profits.
  3. Tax Benefits: SAIF Zone offers a tax-friendly environment, with no corporate or personal income taxes levied on businesses operating within the free zone. This significant tax advantage contributes to higher profitability and cost savings for companies.
  4. Customs Privileges: SAIF Zone provides customs privileges, including exemption from customs duties on goods and materials imported or exported within the free zone. This facilitates smoother trade operations and reduces financial burdens on businesses.
  5. Repatriation of Capital and Profits: Investors in SAIF Zone can fully repatriate their capital and profits earned without any restrictions. This allows businesses to efficiently manage their financial resources and maximise returns on investment.
  6. Range of Business Activities: SAIF Zone offers a wide range of business activities across various sectors, including trading, manufacturing, logistics, services, and consultancy. This diversity accommodates different industry requirements and opens up opportunities for growth and expansion.
  7. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: SAIF Zone boasts modern and well-equipped infrastructure, including world-class office spaces, warehouses, and industrial facilities. The zone’s advanced infrastructure supports efficient business operations, promoting productivity and growth.
  8. Easy Company Setup Process: SAIF Zone provides a streamlined and efficient company setup process. The dedicated authorities and business support services simplify administrative procedures, reducing setup time and ensuring a hassle-free experience for investors.
  9. Skilled Workforce: Sharjah has a skilled and diverse labour pool, offering a wide range of talents and expertise. SAIF Zone benefits from this talent pool, making it easier for businesses to recruit qualified professionals to support their operations.
  10. Business Support Services: SAIF Zone offers a range of support services to assist businesses in their setup and operations. These services include legal assistance, banking services, visa processing, customs support, and access to networking and industry events.

These advantages make the Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF Zone) an ideal choice for businesses looking to establish a presence in the UAE. The combination of tax benefits, strategic location, business-friendly policies, and robust infrastructure creates an environment conducive to business growth and success.

What is the Cost of registering a company Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF Zone)?

  1. License Fees: The cost of the license in SAIF Zone can range from approximately AED 10,000 to AED 25,000 or more, depending on the type of company and business activity.
  2. Office or Warehouse Space: The rental cost of office or warehouse space in SAIF Zone can vary widely based on factors such as size, location, and facilities provided. Monthly rental rates typically start from around AED 15,000 and can go up to several hundred thousand dirhams, depending on the requirements.
  3. Visa Fees: Visa fees for employment or residency visas in SAIF Zone include application fees, medical test fees, Emirates ID card fees, and other associated costs. The total fees per visa can range from approximately AED 5,000 to AED 7,000 or more, depending on the visa category and specific requirements.
  4. Service Charges: SAIF Zone may have additional service charges for facilities and services such as meeting rooms, business center facilities, telecommunications, and utilities. These charges can vary depending on the services availed and are typically billed separately.
  5. Renewal Fees: Annual renewal fees for the business license, lease agreement, and visas can vary based on the specific requirements of your business. Renewal fees for the license can range from approximately AED 5,000 to AED 10,000 or more, depending on the company structure and business activity.
  6. Professional Service Fees: If you engage the services of a business setup consultant or a PRO (Public Relations Officer), the professional service fees can vary based on the scope of services required. These fees typically depend on the level of support and assistance provided throughout the setup process and ongoing operations.


Frequently Asked Questions

SAIF Zone is a renowned free zone located in Sharjah, UAE. It offers various business advantages, including 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and a strategic location near the Sharjah International Airport.

The timeframe for setting up a business in SAIF Zone can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of company and the completion of required documentation. On average, the process can take around 1 to 2 weeks, but it’s advisable to consult with a business setup service provider for a more accurate timeline.

Yes, SAIF Zone allows businesses to have multiple business activities under one license. This flexibility enables companies to diversify their operations and maximize their business potential.

SAIF Zone offers both short-term and long-term lease options for office spaces and warehouses. Whether you require a flexible arrangement or a more extended commitment, there are suitable options available to cater to your business needs.

SAIF Zone does not have a minimum share capital requirement for company formation. However, it’s essential to have sufficient funds to cover the setup costs, operational expenses, and meet the business requirements.

Yes, businesses in SAIF Zone can apply for employment and residency visas for their employees. The visa process involves fulfilling certain requirements, such as medical tests, documentation, and other necessary procedures.

Yes, businesses in SAIF Zone can open corporate bank accounts in local or international banks operating within the UAE. Each bank may have its specific requirements and procedures for opening accounts.

No, there are no restrictions on the repatriation of profits earned by companies in SAIF Zone. Businesses can fully repatriate their capital and profits without limitations.

SAIF Zone does not mandate annual audits for companies. However, maintaining proper financial records and adhering to accounting standards is essential.

Yes, it is possible to convert an existing mainland company in the UAE to a SAIF Zone entity. The conversion process involves specific requirements and procedures that need to be followed.


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Kevin Andrew Assitant Manager

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